Command Training

Wargaming, White Cell, and Wrap … supporting UK’s largest CPX in 2019

The Chinese game GO, although superficially simple, is acknowledged to test the most serious gaming experts. Providing a training environment for a Divisional Headquarters, 5 Brigade Headquarters within a scenario involving two other Divisions, NGOs, and an enemy of Corps strength is not for the fainthearted either. The Plans team of the British HQ 3 UK Division with support from Command and Staff Training experts in Warminster and a large number of augmenting regular and reservist personnel have just finished delivering Ex SPECULAR in and around Salisbury Plain, in the South of the UK.

Designing the exercise alone is a complex business. The aim is to ensure that the training audience (Blue) and a large part of the ‘enemy’ force (red) have complete freedom to ensure a realistic and stretching environment. Vedette were asked to use our expertise and wargaming capability both before and during the exercise to help understand the second and third order effects of potential player moves. Five of our staff and associates formed a team which helped to ensure the Exercise Director and planners were able to anticipate possible activities, react within scenario and ensure exercise and training objectives were met.

Whilst a capable constructive simulation provides the environment in which force on force engagements are played and realistic outcomes generated, there is much more needed to replicate the modern complex operating environment. The shorthand for effects of Information, Diplomatic and Economic consequences is the White Cell. Vedette helped to coordinate the cell and produced role players representing local government authorities, the International Red Cross and NGOs.

Creating the sub-scenarios to provide the synthetic wrap to replicate the complexity of modern warfare is a complex business. To achieve an optimum balance of effort and focus within an affordable cost bracket is an issue that Vedette is addressing.

Linked to our work for the Defence and Security Accelerator (to identify the value, cost benefit and enhanced training outcomes of integrated simulations), Ex SPECULAR 19 has reinforced our commitment to developing a professional exercise design and delivery service.

Article by: Steve Shirley