The Challenge
The twin pressures of refocussing on contingency operations in the context of complex threats and hybrid warfare, and simultaneously conducting a plethora of small scale current operations make it difficult to achieve effective collective training
Our Approach
A Vedette team, as part of the wider support to JFC, is delivering coaching, evaluation and learning support services to UK military HQ staffs during Tier 2+/3/4 collective training events, across the spectrum of operations.
This includes training and advice on the implications of Cyber Operations for the planning and conduct of integrated campaigns and the provision of a Manual Simulation capability to support the design and conduct of CPX.
The Benefit
The refocusing of Joint Force training on Contingency operations capable of conducting full spectrum operations has been greatly enhanced by a highly optimised training package. Drawing on a pool of experienced individuals and state of the art techniques best use is being made of limited training opportunities to prepare Commanders and their staff for operations